Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Enjoy Bo's Coffee Over a Game of Monopoly

Do you love playing the board game- The Monopoly?  Have you even heard of The Monopoly Guy?
If you say no to both, how about this question?
Do you love coffee?  Do you love fun and exciting times with your friends and family?
If you say yes this time to both, then you will love this announcement!
Playing Monopoly suggest a lot of time, knowing the game, getting the hang of it, and gaining tricks and schemes.   But I bet you it is fun!  But if you don't have that much time, Hasbro, makers of Monopoly is introducing a shorter version of it.  If  you think that sounds great, wait till I tell you that Bo's Coffee, makers of great tasting coffees, will be hosting a competition on this.
If you want to learn more of this...Kindly click the image below.

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