Do you know how many days are left before Christmas?
As I'm doing this blog now, it's 91 days till Christmas day. Though the season isn't that obvious yet (though some malls would play Christmas songs from time to time, when the 'Ber' month hits the calendar) there is a place here in Manila where you will feel that it's already Christmas. Of course, Christmas isn't all about the trimmings and tinsels, gifts and feasts, it's more on the season of faith, hope and love. Which again sums up this enchanting place.
I have actually blogged about this place, yet it still never failed to astonish me. Smacked right at the heart of the busy Sen. Gil Puyat St., Precious Moments stands meek but unknowingly grandeur. Curious by-passers will notice the big signage of Precious Moments Showroom. It is a home to the Philippine Precious Moments Collectors Club and a haven to Filipino, Chinese and fusion dish lovers. Not too many though know its worth as a Tea, Coffee House and Restaurant. You will see as you go down further.
Read about my previous experience at their old location :
Treats Instead of Tricks, Precious Moments Experience
Apparently, since clientele is growing, they needed to have a bigger space and so the quick transfer happened. The Precious Moments vast collection are now showcased at a two-story building.

As you enter, a coffee shop ambiance will entice you with some Sam Brew captions on the cashier's corner. A few display of Precious Moments arts will beckon you but as go deeper inside, you will unravel a place where in you will be brought back to your childhood memories. The love for toys, dolls and charming trinkets will overwhelm your adult side and shrink down bits of unforgiveness, greed and hate inside you. The gentle Christmas embrace will be felt more as you will be led to the second floor area where Christmas trees and those cute collectibles rule the area.
* Some side notes: Sam Brew's used to be a sole coffee shop apart from Pecious Moments Showroom, Tea house and restaurant, which was located at Filmore streets. Read about it and some info on Sam Butcher here:
What's Brewing, Sam Brew?
Those trademark pastel-hued figurines with teardrop-shaped eyes are known as Precious Moments collections. Created by Samuel John Butcher of Missouri in 1978. He based his creations on Christian values, naming each figurine based on either sayings from children, or deriving from their innocence.
What started out as drawings and designs for holiday and specialty cards turned into one of the most adored figurines and dolls by collectors worldwide.
The showroom and restaurant in one is a good hunt for those who look for a good place to eat and a unique place to shop for gifts. They cover a wide range of dining services, such as take-out, delivery and catering.
Blessed much on that Sunday visit, a weekend buffet was setup. A seafood soup, two salad variety, meat and fish viands,
Seaweed and century egg salad |
Fresh veggies |
Hototay Soup |
Oriental Fried Chicken |
Sweet and sour pork |
Fish Fillet Szechuan style
Squid Chopsuey |
All of those as a sampler to their
menu. All washed down with a favorable glass of iced tea.
This Oreo Cake is not included in the buffet but my kids saw this and raved about this since we entered the building.
Well, after the said lunch, we still took time examining every nooks and cranny of the place, and boy I never got tired, in fact, it even brought out the kid in me all over again. But at some points, the mom in me would arise and see ideas of how our house at Christmas might look. Check out this Christmas Angel inspired doll sitting at one corner.
Look how they've managed to put every details of table-top decorating, a few good ideas for my event-styling stints.
Oh, look what I found hidden at one corner, I sure miss doing those Precious Moments cross-stitching.
They have lots to offer, from wedding, birthdays and special occasions give-aways, to collectible bisque and figurines, books, customized souvenirs, and paintings, all of those for your takings.
Precious Moments Restaurant and Giftshop
Address: 95 Sen. Gil Puyat, Ave., Brgy. Palanan, Makati city
Contact numbers: 02 8875252 or 02 3871092
Hours of Operation: Daily from 9:00 am until 10:00 pm