What a way to end October!
Initially, my two kids and I planned to go trick or treating yesterday, and after a week of gruelling preparation for my youngest daughter's costume for their school's celebration of United Nations Month, we definitely needed breaks. Though we put a lot of effort in making Danica's costume which is Turkey inspired, she didn't win, and to really ruin the event, I accidentally deleted all the pictures we had saved in our Sony Cybershot 12.1 Mpixels Digi-cam. My husband and I were so down not to be able to boast our effort and my daughters big song participation, and yes, she was the greatest performer among the other nursery student.
So to set aside all disappointments, we decided to go to SM Mall of Asia, but another problem arised. Saturday morning, we woke up, finding out the wheels of our pedicab, which we use for our water refilling business had been flattened, and what was worse was the accused neighbor included two rear tires of our car. But we were able to rise from the situation, to cut the story short we had everything fixed, except we don't have time to go to the mall and have our daughters loot over sweets, just like what they did on last year's Trick or Treat at MOA.
Sunday, the day is almost over, my two daughters and my other two older kids have been asking if we were to go somewhere, I don't know how to tell them, that trick-or-treating is over and we still have to visit my parents friends who arrived from Milan, Italy.
Then, a very bright and interesting idea befell.
For months, I've been eyeing on this particular showroom, which we would pass by every Sunday, right after we attend our Sunday church service at Lord Jesus Bible Church in Palanan, Makati.
I also read a blog about this particular place, having found out that they don't only sell dolls or trinkets, they also serve real foods and drinks.
Precious Moments Showroom, Giftshop and Teahouse.
When I was years younger, I have been familiarized with Sam Butcher's Precious Moments Creations, through Cross stitch patterns, qoutes and Bible versions for kids and Teen-agers. We also saw figurines and give-aways of this sort at Landmark.
I even had my sister hooked on this, or was she that made me hooked on Precious Moments, well whatever it is, Mr. Butchers drawings with biblical verses are inspirational, cute with whimsical features yet humbling.
Those are some words I can also say about Precious Moments, in Makati.
When I was there the first thing that came to my mind was, when my sisters comes to visit us from Milan, I will definitely treat her to an amazing dining experience here.
The best thing was that I was able to share the experience with my three lovely daughters. It was so funny, they couldn't figure out why we parked outside a house, just a stone-throw away from our church, having the idea that we are eating dinner. When we came in, the staffs greeted us very welcomely, with a very homey recieving area, displayed on the right side are awesome wedding themes of Precious Moments. And as we enter, an assortment of Precious Moments dolls flooded our sight. "Wow so cute, so lovely...," the words my girls utterred so repeatedly. Even my Dana, who was hypo-glycimic at that time, were amazed, ever wondering why she lacks strength to enjoy to sight around her.
Time to order the dinner, the four of us girls, was already "busog" with all the dolls around us, we were so busy checking out the details of each dolls, Danica, even noticed, P-noy doll, a Pres. Ninoy Aquino inspired doll, the same one they have given out during the his proclamation.
For dinner, we had the house best Pata Tim, Hot To Tay, and Fried Chicken.
Whilst eating, we even had a game, Look For..., I had them find figuines that are sleeping, a certian animal figure, etc. They said it was fun! It was like eating our Noche Buena, with all the Christmas trimmings and Christmas trees around us! I got inspired decorating early for Christmas, the eagerness I lost last Christmas due to traumatic events in our family.
The experience was memorable, even the chat with Mr. Jojo was a blessing, finding out that part of their sales goes to charitable organizations supported by the Aquino sisters for Pre-schoolers in urban areas, and that they the people behind it even supports street childrens in Iloilo and supports different Christian Ministries.
My family will definitely have more precious moments to spend time here, and a one stop shop to buy gifts for Christmas, hoping my friends and relatives also come here to enjoy the atmosphere and savor their menus, oh a must-try in their menu, Samburger package snack for four.
Their address, 4227 Laredo St., Palanan, Makati City
Contcact Person: Warren P. Silva, Operations Manager
Phone : 8566615 or 3871092
Cp: 09296969836