Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Halloween Cupcakes on Centerstage


Here I am and my Halloween cupcakes making centerstage, ahaha...Well we actually were at Centerstage KTV at Jupiter St., Makati yesterday.    Theza Ozaeta, celebrated her 18th birthday simply with family and close friends.   Her mom, Flora and aunt Cielo made it extra special by ordering cupcakes.   I felt so privileged for having been considered for this.   
Got so tired, I did all 70 of them in a day, my assistant, my daughter, was sick, so she wasn't able to help me.   Thank God for the strength and good health we were able to make it on time for the delivery.   

The day didn't end without us receiving Words from the  Lord.   After which, we head on to New Life, The Fort.  In fullness, we receive blessing, knowing that God is able, more than able to open up opportunities to grow in the knowledge of our righteousness.   I'm not saying I am righteous but it is the Lord who says I am because as it is said, in 2 Corinthians 5:21, we are made righteous in Christ!
"For our sake he [God] made him [Christ] to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God."

 Boo!  The birthday sanctum...
The Sala Room


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