Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dinner for Six + Four, Chicken Feet Adobo and Sauted Ampalaya

"Bitter Melon also known as ampalaya, the dreaded fruit or vegetable.   In my family I was the only one who eats this.   But I had to make them, 'coz it is best for health...hmm..."

One time I went to the market not knowing what to buy for our dinner, to make it crazier, I only brought with me a mere P 150 on my pocket.   Pondering what i can buy with this amount, I came to the end of the market, when I saw people crowding a spot.  The boy was ever so magnificently and really fast, cutting the nails out of the chicken feet scattered over the table.   To my amazement, a kilo of it was only P 30 so I bought 3 K.   Near it was a tindera with basket full of ampalaya, I got a big one at P15 and finally I bought P30 worth of ground pork with my suki, butcher.    That still leaves me P15, and I  bought bananas with it.

I have to feed  four kids who eats like someone will steal their food, and a husband who is a bit picky, and three men (big eaters as well) every meals of my everyday life.   The biggest challenge is how to stay sane while budgeting for food, the fun part is preparing it for all of us!

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