Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A Glimpse of How the 28 Years of Freedom Was Attained

 During our last trip to Tarlac City, we made it possible to visit the Aquino Center Museum at the Hacienda Luisita.  Our little girls have been asking a lot about the late couple Ninoy Aquino and Pres. Cory Aquino.

 So what better way to educate them about a short course on our freedom history than to see and quote from the actual elements which catapulted the event that had set the wold all in awe as our fathers, uncles and brothers fought for our freedom.

"It is true you cannot eat freedom and you cannot power machinery with democracy. But then neither can political prisoners turn on the light in the cells of a dictatorship."
 -Corazon Aquino quotes

These busts of our country's first woman president, Corazon Aquino and her husband, our hero, Benigno Aquino, will greet you as you enter the lobby of the museum building.

I can still remember how this yellow ribbons tied everywhere to symbolize the citizens support for Benigno Aquino and his cause.

I’ll tie a yellow ribbon at my door to welcome you home Ninoy. You have arrived at my doorstep that August 21st, but bloody and dead.

We tie a yellow ribbon around out head and hearts to keep you alive in spirit; and you gave us the exiled democracy, golden and alive.

And so the yellow cuts across the land: yellow headband, yellow dress, yellow flowers, yellow day, yellow smile.

Let me quote this from Bishop Jose R. Manguiran, DD
(written at http://bpmanguiran.blogspot.com/2006/02/prayer-power-reminiscence-of-edsa.html)

"It all started when, on the 25th of February 1986 the King by the Pasig River was forced to desert his palace and given a sanctuary at Uncle Sam’s domain. The howl of a million crowd pierced the King’s ears. The deluge of tears woeing over the thousand victims killed during the reign of teeth flooded his heart. The King could not hold the stabbing thrust; he has to run for his life."

 Shown on the photo above are the entrance fees for every level.

Behind us are floral paintings done by Pres. Cory Aquino.

Btw, you can't take photos inside the museum, though there is a gallery on the lobby with huge framed murals of Ninoy Aqiuno where you get such nice photos on the subject.

But the shutter bug in me just could not help it.  I have to set my SLR aside but was able to snatch a few with my phone's camera.

The Dad explaining the photos to the girls.

Enclosed in this glass showcase are the garments soaked in blood, his belt, and a pair of boots, these are what he wore during the Tarmac airport assassination on August of 1985.

Today, marked the 28th year of Philippine freedom from Martial Law, from military and government oppression, also known as dictatorship.

Without the sacrifices made by the Aquino's and the people who marauded EDSA during the peaceful Yellow revolution in 1986, my girls might not be enjoying the life they have now, I might not be able to have faith in the government and hope might not be as clear as the skies.

Aquino Museum
The Aquino Center, Luisita Industrial Park
San Miguel, Tarlac
Tel. No.: (045) 985-0968


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