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The Soul of this Blog |
I would have wanted to end this month of January with plans like having a give-away, or posting about my remarkable experiences such as eating a whole frog (and some other weird and exotic dishes) or taking flight on Asia's longest cable zipline in Dahilayan, Bukidnon. But to no avail, I have planned it for days but can't seem to stitch everything into place.
Let me then, ask you these...
Are you right now inspired or do you find yourself down in the dumps? I'm sure all of us need to wake up in the morning inspired and ready to take on new challenges. However, life is not that friendly to me at times. Aside from the tons of house chores I need to finish everyday, I also have innumerous unfinished articles needed to post and submit to publications, on top of the many hats I have to wear to please clients, friends and relatives. But I like how my life is right now, though I'm often disregarded, unrewarded , misinterpreted and physically tired cause of the things I do, which seemingly I thought were BIG deals.
In whatever fields we are in our lives, we need inspirations, and sometimes, we can't even find it in our own homes. At times, when we knew we are at our best stage, till we come into conclusion that we still fail at it.
Being a good mom or dad.
In marriage.
At work.
In my case, in writing.
But, I need to tap myself on the face, tell myself to wake up and lay off with comparing myself to others or seeking what I lack or what I haven't done yet. WE ALL DO!
Let me tell you, this blog and my other mom-blog (Mommy Gone Bloggin') are just some of the evidences, which I can say that I'm slowly getting there-- a FULFILLING LIFE with joy. (Oh pardon me when I use that term which happens to be my pen name, I could also have named this blog as Gastronomy with JOY, hehe)
I want to share some thoughts on how to get a bit of inspiration as we go about our daily lives, but before that, I just want to share how the movie THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY have inspirited me to write this post.
The movie is a mix of all light -drama, comedy and adventure. Starts and ends with Walter Mitty, being the common timid employee of LIFE magazine to becoming an adrenaline junkie in the process of finishing off his last job. The movie gives off a surreal ending, as Mitty struggles to attain no.25 film strip which was sent to him by the celebrated photographer of LIFE (Sean O'connell played by Sean Penn) and also a stock-holder of the company, which was realized that it was not on the set mailed to Mitty.
What I like about how the movie moved me are the littlest scenes that shows Mitty having that character to progress and the one that transforms the film from a nice little comedy into something just a bit bigger and more meaningful, is the moment where Walter is trying to gather up the courage to hop on a helicopter and imagines that his crush, fellow Life employee Cheryl Meinhoff (Kristen Wiig), has appeared to serenade him with the song "Ground control to major Tom..." There are no effects or flashes of light: she’s simply there, this vision from inside him, inspiring him to do something new and great. The film has several of these moments of sweeping, wordless revelation, and they’re welcoming in their scale, honesty, and lack of cynicism. Funnily enough, they recall the real-life mission statement of the magazine that Walter lives to serve: “We will speak out what is in our mind as fairly, as truthfully, and as decently as we know how.” Sometimes you really can leap and learn to fly.
I somehow got all the nerves to share some some ways of finding inspiration (some I got from the life of Mr. Mitty portrayed by Ben Stiller) to fuel us into achieving what we have been hoping for.
1. Jesus First!
Accept that when you receive Jesus, you have LIFE! There is a difference when you are alive than you have the Life that Jesus have. Come to know more of Him and just let God command your days into abundance.
2. Eat inspiration for breakfast.
Fuel that passion with healthy and positive thoughts. I don't know any mantras, but I know successful people stick notes on their bathroom mirrors reminding themselves of their goals and that they can achieve it. Pray and claim that this day would be better than you had yesterday.
3. Surround yourself with people that inspire.
Who are some of the people that inspire you or have influenced your work? Who do you want to be like, who are some of your mentors? Take some time in the morning to read something they’ve written, or watch a video they’ve created.
As a blogger, I look up to many bloggers as well, as they share how they have become successful (also in monetary ways) in what they do, like Martine de Luna of Make It Blissful, Lorie Baltazar of Dessert Comes First, and other mom blogs that really capture the essence of mothering a baby to a teen.
4. Go out and Be Seen.
There are a lot of activities and programs which cater to every lifestyles. Find an event, register and participate, either a workshop, a conference, or just a mall show. And why not dress for it! Don't allow your make-up stash to get spoiled without being used much or your favorite dress or blouse fall out of fashion.
Hmmm, am I seeing myself signing up for Zumba?
5. Check off your own bucket lists.
Of course, if you still haven't had one then try to make one. List all the places, resorts, restaurants you want to visit. List also outrageous things you fear doing but likely to do and won't kill you, note that I would not want you get bitten by snakes or get stuck on sharks' jaws. In the movie I was referring to, Walter was able to jump off a helicopter into the freezing, scary tides of Greenland ocean, rode on an Icelandic skateboard to catch Sean and having survived the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull volcano and reaching the top of the majestic Afghanistan Mountain ranges.
Let me just brag a little about how I conquered my fear of riding a zipline. All thanks to my travel companions they were able to encourage me to try it not once but three times.
Why not try white water river rafting or rappelling.
Yes, you can do it!
6. Invest more time travelling with your loved ones.
Here is one thing my husband and I have agreed and have committed to do for our family. Travel and experience different cultures. You'll be surprised at how your kids will enjoy their life with you and get more zest out of theirs. Isn't it fulfilling to see or hear them talk about their recent ATV ride to Mayon Volcano or describing how small Bohol's tarsiers are to their peers?
The movie really made me want to pack my back pack and get my passport ready and just ran off, to somewhere scenic, art and culture-rich regions, places not published much.
7. Compile, journal and make a scrapbook of all your adventures and unique out-takes
Make use of digital recordings of all your precious moments. Let Instagram, Facebook and Twitter be your companion and capture fleeting scenes right there and then, and look back, you'll be surprised you have been more than blessed.
Good photos come very useful and sharing them more exciting and enticing, you might want to save up on good quality digital cameras and SLR's.
8. Let it Go!
I know, so timely noh?
Most of the time, there are things in our lives that hold us back into stepping closer to what would make us happy or contented. One great example is the hurtful event that happened in the past which looses our focus into doing things right and with a purpose- we then are left FROZEN. Why don't you just let go of it and imagine life as if it didn't even happen and move on excited to chase challenges with heart and courage.
Don't miss out on what beautiful things LIFE can offer...start with your self, your kids, your parents and your wife or husband.
9. Kiss, Hug and Cuddle more!
A hug is a universal medicine, it is how we handshake from the heart. -Anonymous
Here are some accounts of how beneficial hugging your loved ones are:
"Researchers from the University of Carolina study also found that hugging instigates an elevated release of oxytocin, which is known as the “bonding” or “cuddle” hormone and prompts loving and caring feelings. Some studies have shown that it also reduces blood pressure. Another study that took place in 2000 showed that hugging babies while they were given blood tests made them cry less and kept their heart rates steadier. Both elevated levels of cortisol and high blood pressure have been linked to various diseases, including heart disease, so not only does hugging feel great, it’s good for our hearts, too."
(Captioned from DivineCaroline.com)These are just a few, there are more ways to be inspired, maybe you could share some more...
Let me live you with this:
"I believe in the beauty of our dreams and that having a fulfilling life requires radical acts of courage. You don’t get the life you wish for – you get the life you commit to and work for. "