Red Ribbon, Foundation and Franklin Baker launched the newest treat to help increase access to education in the Philippines
It was such a glorious occasion seeing two of my favorites join hands to pull off some sweet harmony while aiming to help less privileged students in far-reached areas in our countries. Like, Red Ribbon and a strong name in the food industry in our country, Franklin Baker, I also have a soft spot for education specially it's primordial importance in building our nation. 
It was inspiring hearing from himself his stories as a child going to school. He sees to it that he gives back with what education did, bringing him to where he is right now, with a special mention on learning the English language.
Allan Pineda, more popularly known as of the world-famous, Grammy Award-winning pop group The Black Eyed Peas, is a Filipino-American rapper, record producer, and drummer, born at
Angeles City, Pampanga. His mother is a Filipino and his father is an African-American. moved to the United States at age 14 to start a new life, but he never forgot about the Philippines. After making it big with The Black Eyed Peas, he founded the Foundation, a charitable organization committed to improving the quality of life of children in the Philippines through education, technology, and of course, music.
Last July 4, 2013, the three big names, in music and entertainment, food and baking formed a forge of strong and inspiring goal at Teatrino Music Hall at Greenhills, as they launched " Red Ribbon Macaroons for a Cause."
It was undeniable that more and more Filipino children are deprived of a better life because access to good education is limited. Though DepEd had marked developments when comes to answering every students' needs, one that is so distinct is lack of classrooms in public schools.
MACAROONS FOR A CAUSE is Red Ribbon's newest offering that lets you create more sweet moments with your family and friends, just like what they have brought us through out the years. According to Zinnia Rivera, GEn. Manager of REd Ribbon, "With each pack you buy, you'll be giving our youth a better future through the gift of education,."
"As we celebrate 90 years in the Philippines, this is our way of thanking the country and sharing the natural goodness of Franklin Baker Company's ingredients. The coconut taste and quality that will be experienced in Red Ribbon Macaroons for a Cause is the same gold standard that Franklin Baker delivers to it's food customers in the US," as Sharon Chandran, Chairperson of the Franklin Baker Company.
To be a part of this campaign and plea, we only need to buy a pack or more of Red Ribbon Macarrons for a Cause for only P50. Eack pack contains 10 pieces of coconut goodness in creamy perfection. For each pack sold 14 % of it, that's P7 will go directlty to the Ap foundation to help build public high school classrooms.
Zamboanga is one of the provinces chosen to benefit from the project's pilot school with over 600 students.
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