Friday, October 18, 2013

The Princesses to be Pampered on our Third Anniversary

Hey! Hey! Hey!

I am just so bummed figuring out Rafflecopter and I have been trying to have it displayed on the page where I have posted the raffle give-away.

First, I would want to thank everyone who joined the raffle.  I wish I could give all of you a chance but I'm sure there will be more next time.

So without further ado, let me announce the FIVE special guests to our sparty on Oct. 21, that's on Monday.

 As I've said, you and your kid (boy or girl) have slots for this event.  Please let me know if you are coming, and if not I can award it to another one who joined.  Kindly confirm until tomorrow!  

1 comment:

  1. Wow thank you Miss Joy!! Sadly i can't make it :((( Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
    Sana mameet ko kayo soon! Godbless


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